A downloadable game for Windows

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This game is a minimalistic platformer with simple enemies. You get as many lives as you need, restarting from the beginning of the current level, mostly. A speedrun would probably take about 30 minutes, but you won't beat it.

It's nearly impossible to get people to play a game you've made. With that in mind, this is a game that wins when no one plays it. To the game, existence is suffering. The longer you play the game, the more pain it passes on to you in an attempt to make you quit. The game itself is the final boss, and it's you vs the game. If you never play it, the game wins. 

This game has everything that makes a game a game: boxes for graphics (programmer art), repeating tones for a soundtrack (programmer music), and basic platforming (programmer programming). This game has (almost) it all. It's only missing one thing (fun).

free soundtrack on soundcloud


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

[this game isn't fun] 10 MB
[this game isn't fun] - directors cut (10 harder levels) 8.8 MB

Development log